Relevant to task 2
Digital convergence
Definition - The combination of two or more different technologies in a single device to perform similar tasks, it unites devices, systems and people
e.g smart phone - allows for communication, access to information and more
Advantages of technology convergence
Saves money - To buy lots of different products would cost waay too much so its better to combine them all into one so you only have to buy one thing
Saves lives - Digital convergence allows for access to medical knowledge faster than it takes for an emergency service
Saves time overall - Gives you the ability to multitask and get more things done at once. Its only one device to carry around so it tends to be more convinient (great for students)
Disadvantages of technology convergence
Eats time up! - Access to these kinds of things leads to addiction adn then peoples focus tends to be on their devices instead of school or work
Eats relationships - As well as neglecting our responsiblities we tend to neglect our families and friends which isnt good.
Eats time at home - Increased mobility by devices allow us to bring work back home, meaning that there is no longer a separation from work life and family life
What is convergence?
Media technologies coming together and perfoming similar tasks, also hardwares capability to do more than before
Key terms
Immediacy: The speed at which audiences can consume digital media products.
Access: The restrictions (or lack thereof) put on digital media products
Convinience: The ease at which a product can be accessed. This can include whether or not a digital media product is free, cheap, global, national, local, user friendly etc
Portability: The flexiblility and movement associated with a digital product
Connectivity: The extent to which a product allows users to be linked to the 'global village' or to be apart of a digital community social network etc
Interactivity: The ways in which producers and a consumers work together. This includes the level of control the consumer has over the product whether or not users can generate orignal content, the use of web-links, uploads/downloads texting, emailing or other functions bring the consumer closer to the product.
Personalisation: The ways in which the product can be made personal to the consumer. This could be done through logging / signing in, adapting interfaces, font features or music playlists.
Quality of media
Content that opeople share across fast networks for others to watch when they want can be accessed with great quality

My Phone
Access to a wide variety of tools such as camera and internet.
Ability to be able to listen to music which comes from a radio
Ability to use a wide variety of technology in one item/ product.
Ability to record videos
Lots of apps which also allow you to be able to play games
Apps for calendars
How convergence affects the 4 stages of production
Production - Convergence
One significant way technological convergence is affection the production within that stage of media production is convenience. This is because by allowing technical convergence to take place it means there are many more accesible tools which can be used to do things such as gain information through the internet on the production of whatever you are making, as well as this there are things such as 3D printers which come from technilogical convergence which allow you to be able to produce products at a much more efficient rate.
Distribution - Convergence
The usage of technological convergence has allowed the distribution to be able to be accessed on social media pages. This is because by using pages such as social media and online webpages businesses are able to access a wide variety of target audiences. This then allows more awareness and a wider reputation for whatever product is being promoted.
Marketing - Convergence
For marketing, we can also use the same logic as distribution. By using technological convergences such as social media, we are abke to advertise and promote our products in set ways. This means being able to target specific audiences due to it being online, such as a younger audience of individuals due to it being based online.
Consumption - Convergence
Technical convergence can be influenced through consumption due to several things. This includes people being able to browse their phones access the internet and be able to see a wide variety of media pieces. This can include advertisements on websites or paid promotions on social media pages. Using technical convergence all these things can be accessed and used.
Marketing PDF
Branded Content is Content produced by or for brands Red Bull illustrates some key features of (much) branded content • ‘Owned’ media • Audiovisual • Entertainment • Storytelling (documentaries, short formats) • Multiplatform delivery • Mobile and other consumption • Sharing (viral; posts, retweets etc.) • ‘Content’ (ideas+images+writing+advertising) • Marketing through media content
Branded Content
Content marketing is the discipline of creating quality branded editorial content across all media channels and platforms to deliver engaging relationships, consumer value and measurable success for brands.
Native advertising - advertising that is ‘native’ to property in which it appears.
paid, branded messages that ‘fit’ the media in which they are placed.
Native advertising – content that supports the aim of an advertiser (and is paid for by the advertiser) but mimics the format and editorial style of the publisher that carries it.
Publishers: way to distinguish their ad offering in highly competitive internet ad markets Finance media; monetise users
Advertisers and agencies: ‘more bang for their buck’ Native seen as more effective than traditional ad formats (and can evade ad-blocking)
User behaviour: Response to changes in media consumption affecting advertising effectiveness
• Shift from PC to mobile, with users less tolerant of display ads • Content discovery shifting from search (and destination sites) to social • Audiovisual content taking an increasing share of total digital media consumption. (Free video on YouTube supported by in-stream ads that seek to match the content being watched)
Digital convergence
Definition - The combination of two or more different technologies in a single device to perform similar tasks, it unites devices, systems and people
e.g smart phone - allows for communication, access to information and more
Advantages of technology convergence
Saves money - To buy lots of different products would cost waay too much so its better to combine them all into one so you only have to buy one thing
Saves lives - Digital convergence allows for access to medical knowledge faster than it takes for an emergency service
Saves time overall - Gives you the ability to multitask and get more things done at once. Its only one device to carry around so it tends to be more convinient (great for students)
Disadvantages of technology convergence
Eats time up! - Access to these kinds of things leads to addiction adn then peoples focus tends to be on their devices instead of school or work
Eats relationships - As well as neglecting our responsiblities we tend to neglect our families and friends which isnt good.
Eats time at home - Increased mobility by devices allow us to bring work back home, meaning that there is no longer a separation from work life and family life
What is convergence?
Media technologies coming together and perfoming similar tasks, also hardwares capability to do more than before
Key terms
Immediacy: The speed at which audiences can consume digital media products.
Access: The restrictions (or lack thereof) put on digital media products
Convinience: The ease at which a product can be accessed. This can include whether or not a digital media product is free, cheap, global, national, local, user friendly etc
Portability: The flexiblility and movement associated with a digital product
Connectivity: The extent to which a product allows users to be linked to the 'global village' or to be apart of a digital community social network etc
Interactivity: The ways in which producers and a consumers work together. This includes the level of control the consumer has over the product whether or not users can generate orignal content, the use of web-links, uploads/downloads texting, emailing or other functions bring the consumer closer to the product.
Personalisation: The ways in which the product can be made personal to the consumer. This could be done through logging / signing in, adapting interfaces, font features or music playlists.
Quality of media
Content that opeople share across fast networks for others to watch when they want can be accessed with great quality

My Phone
Access to a wide variety of tools such as camera and internet.
Ability to be able to listen to music which comes from a radio
Ability to use a wide variety of technology in one item/ product.
Ability to record videos
Lots of apps which also allow you to be able to play games
Apps for calendars
How convergence affects the 4 stages of production
Production - Convergence
One significant way technological convergence is affection the production within that stage of media production is convenience. This is because by allowing technical convergence to take place it means there are many more accesible tools which can be used to do things such as gain information through the internet on the production of whatever you are making, as well as this there are things such as 3D printers which come from technilogical convergence which allow you to be able to produce products at a much more efficient rate.
Distribution - Convergence
The usage of technological convergence has allowed the distribution to be able to be accessed on social media pages. This is because by using pages such as social media and online webpages businesses are able to access a wide variety of target audiences. This then allows more awareness and a wider reputation for whatever product is being promoted.
Marketing - Convergence
For marketing, we can also use the same logic as distribution. By using technological convergences such as social media, we are abke to advertise and promote our products in set ways. This means being able to target specific audiences due to it being online, such as a younger audience of individuals due to it being based online.
Consumption - Convergence
Technical convergence can be influenced through consumption due to several things. This includes people being able to browse their phones access the internet and be able to see a wide variety of media pieces. This can include advertisements on websites or paid promotions on social media pages. Using technical convergence all these things can be accessed and used.
Marketing PDF
Branded Content is Content produced by or for brands Red Bull illustrates some key features of (much) branded content • ‘Owned’ media • Audiovisual • Entertainment • Storytelling (documentaries, short formats) • Multiplatform delivery • Mobile and other consumption • Sharing (viral; posts, retweets etc.) • ‘Content’ (ideas+images+writing+advertising) • Marketing through media content
Branded Content
Content marketing is the discipline of creating quality branded editorial content across all media channels and platforms to deliver engaging relationships, consumer value and measurable success for brands.
Native advertising - advertising that is ‘native’ to property in which it appears.
paid, branded messages that ‘fit’ the media in which they are placed.
Native advertising – content that supports the aim of an advertiser (and is paid for by the advertiser) but mimics the format and editorial style of the publisher that carries it.
Publishers: way to distinguish their ad offering in highly competitive internet ad markets Finance media; monetise users
Advertisers and agencies: ‘more bang for their buck’ Native seen as more effective than traditional ad formats (and can evade ad-blocking)
User behaviour: Response to changes in media consumption affecting advertising effectiveness
• Shift from PC to mobile, with users less tolerant of display ads • Content discovery shifting from search (and destination sites) to social • Audiovisual content taking an increasing share of total digital media consumption. (Free video on YouTube supported by in-stream ads that seek to match the content being watched)
Hi Jamie,
ReplyDeleteNearly there with this one - I know it asked a lot:
1. Please upload an annotated shot of your phone
2. Please discuss how convergence effects the 4 diff stages of media production
3. Also, please have a quick read of the BFI pdf I attached on insight and write up some notes on that.
Well done for all your effort on this prep work!
Mr H
Hey sir i have completed the tasks you asked me to do from this list!