

Relevant to task 2  Digital convergence Definition - The combination of two or more different technologies in a single device to perform similar tasks, it unites devices, systems and people   e.g smart phone - allows for communication, access to information and more Advantages of technology convergence Saves money - To buy lots of different products would cost waay too much so its better to combine them all into one so you only have to buy one thing Saves lives - Digital convergence allows for access to medical knowledge faster than it takes for an emergency service  Saves time overall - Gives you the ability to multitask and get more things done at once. Its only one device to carry around so it tends to be more convinient (great for students)  Disadvantages of technology convergence  Eats time up! - Access to these kinds of things leads to addiction adn then peoples focus tends to be on their devices instead of school or work Eats rela...

Analysing Print Adverts

What makes an EFFECTIVE print ad? .Clear and effective image .Memorable - Emotional, informative .Slogan/catch phrase/ tagline - entice audience, stick in head .Use of persuiasive language  .Clear language - to the point  .Appropriate font - typeface, sans-serif/serif .Colour scheme - ideally 3/4 .Clear layout  .Name of the product .Website .Brand identity - Logo name of brand / company  .Eye catching   Red bull print ad: Adaptation of red bull 'gives you wings' slogan Language is persuasive = Uses second person and imperative to directly approach you! Typeface is san serif Name of the product is repeated three times  Clear and effective use of the wide angle to demonstrate the precipitous height they are at. Colour scheme - uses blue, red, yellow, and white layout is uncluttered, clear   Coca Cola print ad   . Immediatley can see that the typeface being used is a sans-serif font . Langu...

Analysing televison adverts - conventions

Use of the camera  . Extreme close up - Small section of character or object . Close up - neck and face shows severity of a situation . Long shot - Whole body is visible (can appreciate the setting and the area they are in) . wide shot . Medium shot - Shows from weist up and allows to see body language and context of setting (spiderman struggling) . Point of view shot . Low angle - Puts the character in a position of power and makes the viewer feel inferior . High angle - makes the characters seem vulnerable and puts the viewer in a position of power . Over the shoulder Speed of shots 38 Shots overall. This effect creates a suspension. This is because as you go through the beginning of the advertisement the shots are longer and slower. However as the ride begins to pickup speed so does the shots. Becoming more rapid and snapping harder and harder. This then lead to the shots getting more and more aggresive which creates a sense of intensity. Voiceovers...


Adverts in print radio or video format must not be deemed harmful misleading or offensive .  Harmful   . Ads must not contain anything that is likely to condone or encourage violence or anti-social behaviour   . Ads Especially those adressed to or depicting a child, must not condone or encourage an unsafe practice   . Ads should be prepared with a sense of responsibility  to consumers and to society. Particular care should be taken with ads adressed to or depicting children. . Ads must not portray or represent children in a sexual way. . Ads should comply with the lawa and should not incite anyone t obreak it  . Ads must not cause fear or distress without justifiable reason; if it can be justified, the fear or distress should not be excessive  . Marketers must not use a shocking claim or image merely to attract attention. . Ads that are suitable for older children but could distress younger children must be sensitively...

Attributes - Personal, Proffesional & Etiquette

Atributes - a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic that belongs to a person/group of people Personal attributes - Creativity, positivity, Determination, ability to learn from mistakes, take leadership Proffesional atributes - timekeeping, doesnt argue, very formal work enviromentally Behaviours and attributes - Personal and Proffesional  . Managing your time . Public image . Personal development . Proffesional development  . Resilience . Focus . Creativity  . Communication skills  . Leadership skills  . Design skills    Career Development  Social media manager As shown on the Guardians webpage for all their information on job roles and support, Oppurtunities for social media managers directly can elaborate into Jobs that include Social Media Developer and marketing managers as they would be able to easily identify what people want to see on social media pages....

Advertising Slogans

Aim - To identify the key devices used in advertising slogans  Slogan - Mc donalds - im loving it Just do it - Nike  Because your worth it - loreal  Should have gone to specsavers - specsavers   ADVERTISING TECHNIQUES    Brand summary - Makes the brand's benefits & specialities clear Brief - Clear and to the point   Rhymes - Sticks in the mind, easy to remember Repetition of brand name - Repeating something three times or more helps it to    become more memorable Alliteration - repetition on constanent sounds, similar to rhyming   Use of second person - Consumer feels spoken to personally and involved in the    product or identity on offer Use of every/always - Indicates the company's unswerving commitment   Present tense - Universality/timelessness Imperatives - Assertive demands designed to sweep the consumer along in agreement   Use of capitals - For EMPHASIS  Humour ...

Advertising Is

Advertising - A campaign promoting a product or idea which can persuade or interest a target audience to purchase or use products and services. The campaign may use many different forms of media to promote a message for a set amount of time  Media platforms used in advertising:   Banners   Magazine ads - What type of magazine might the ad appear in. E.G You wont see perfume appear in a magazine about rock. The products advertised will relate to the type of magazine E.G watches in a mens magazine. TV ads - Above the line ads it will be expensive to do however has prime time slots e.g around when x factor is on is a prime slot Video ads - Most likely to be seen on youtube and will be about from 30 seconds to a min or two. (How do they appear on youtube? Is it at the beginning and you have to watch it? Some you can skip after 5 seconds. Little yellow tabs which include pop up ads after set time in the vid) Social media (e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) ...