
Relevant to task 2 Digital convergence Definition - The combination of two or more different technologies in a single device to perform similar tasks, it unites devices, systems and people e.g smart phone - allows for communication, access to information and more Advantages of technology convergence Saves money - To buy lots of different products would cost waay too much so its better to combine them all into one so you only have to buy one thing Saves lives - Digital convergence allows for access to medical knowledge faster than it takes for an emergency service Saves time overall - Gives you the ability to multitask and get more things done at once. Its only one device to carry around so it tends to be more convinient (great for students) Disadvantages of technology convergence Eats time up! - Access to these kinds of things leads to addiction adn then peoples focus tends to be on their devices instead of school or work Eats rela...